The Dante Movement is a new Audiovisual Movement, created by experts in the Audiovisual and Sustainable Development sectors. Its purpose is to create pieces of fiction that translate the great goals of humanity to society as a whole, to generate positive changes in the behaviour for the viewers allowing for more sustainable conducts towards a better world. A world in which economy, society and the environment find balance.
The DANTE MOVEMENT, has been selected by the United Nations as one of the most creative and innovative initiatives for positive change. In September 2020 we presented the Dante Movement at the SDG Action Zone, 2020, “the foremost collaborative space for leaders and emerging leaders to supercharge and accelerate solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals.” during the United Nations General Assembly activities.
Audiovisual fiction, the vernacular
language of the XXI century.
In 2015, for the first time in the history of mankind, a concrete agreement was reached with 17 objectives to achieve a prosperous future for all the inhabitants on our planet. These 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute the 2030 Agenda, a pact signed by 193 countries of the United Nations.
It is necessary to give a role to all the inhabitants on our planet to reach the defined goals of the international community, but the diffusion strategy of these goals is complex, written in a technical language, with thousands of acronyms… They seem to be written in Latin.
Important ideas
are for everybody.
The Dante Movement is inspired by the work of Dante Alighieri, who wrote the “Divine Comedy” in Italian, a language that was considered “vulgar” because until then all the important information was transmitted in Latin and it was privy to scholars. Dante claimed that important information had to be brought to the attention of the general public.
Following the example of Dante Alighieri, the Dante Movement, uses the preferred and most used channel by the human being at present, audiovisual fiction: “the vernacular language of the XXI Century”, to convey to the public humanity’s greatest challenges.

DANTE’s seal and decalogue
The Movement’s decalogue constitutes a new work methodology to create fiction content. This methodology aims to bring together scientific rigor and veracity with audiovisual entertainment. It has been created and registered as a brand by Fiction Changing the World in order to become and audiovisual movement that filmmakers and artist from all around the world can join to create Dante fiction pieces, thus bringing the 2030 Agenda to the attention of the general public.
The Dante seal allows the audiences to chose consciously to watch an entertaining informative fiction product, in which the contents are not subliminal or part of an unconscious disemination strategy.
The Dante Movement has a seal that endorses the audiovisual pieces that bear its name. For an audiovisual piece to be considered DANTE, it must meet a series of requirements, guaranteeing that both the chosen theme and the way the story is being portrayed meet the criteria of the movement.
Tell it right:
the Dante’s decalogue.
The audiovisual movement Dante includes audiovisual pieces in all formats and media that meet the following characteristics:
1 The scripts of the Dante Movement will have an awareness-raising objective in their creation process and will transmit explicit messages on topics related to the objectives of humanity defined by the international community (Today the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals)
Start your Dante script by selecting the Sustainable Development Goal you want to raise awareness about in your story. The awareness-raising objective will be the starting point for the creative process, except in cases where a script has already been started, in such cases the script must be transformed to meet the awareness-raising objective.
2 Dante scripts will aim for a balance between entertainment and awareness without either of these two objectives being above the other. Design a plot and characters in which it is organic to introduce information about the selected Sustainable Development Goal. It is essential that the information or sustainable behaviour shown is consistent with the sequences, plots and characters of your work. It is not about educating the audience, but about organically integrating sustainable messages and behaviours.
3 The creative and writing process will be co-created with experts in the subject matter on which you want to raise awareness. Screenwriters may not distort data and situations in favor of fiction when this could lead to misunderstandings about proven facts or data with the maximum scientific consensus.
Organize a script writing team that includes experts in the selected goal who can collaborate with the scriptwriters as part of the creative team.
4 Dante productions will have a commercial vocation and economic sustainability following the usual processes of the audiovisual and entertainment industry. The final objective of a Dante project will be to develop mainstream audiovisual productions to amplify their informative potential.
The inclusion of elements that increase the interest of the audience such as a well-known cast, a popular theme or a prestigious technical and artistic team will be highly recommended.
5 The ultimate message of Dante’s productions will be constructive and inspiring, with a focus on solutions and not exclusively on presenting problems. The characters and plots will include in their behaviors or dialogues explicit references to how to approach solutions to the social or environmental problems depicted in the script.
6 The documentary sources used to create rigorous messages on sustainable development must be based on reliable data that represent the highest scientific consensus or experts criteria on the subject to be covered. The documentary sources and reference material of the messages will be made available to the audience for consultation.
7 The audiovisual productions belonging to the movement, will develop a process of analysis of the public reached, in which the sensitizing impact of the work in question will be measured. Through transmedia elements or consultations with focus groups.
8 Dante’s productions will maximize their positive environmental, economic and social impact and minimize their negative impact in those areas.
9 The genre of audiovisual pieces will be the one that best suits the needs of the objective that is being covered, always taking into account the entertainment and informative nature of the work.
10 Include the awareness-raising objectives and sustainability measures of the project in the marketing and communication messages of the production. Take advantage of the communication and marketing tools of your project to show the added value of the sustainability measures implemented. This way you will contribute to society having a greater knowledge of sustainability.